<< He has acquired extensive experience and expertise on instrumentation and monitoring of dams, slopes, tunnels, foundations, and earth structures as well as on many soil-structures interaction cases. In 1995 he was responsible for organizing the Fourth International FMGM symposium (Field Measurements in Geomechanics) which was held in Bergamo (Italy). Since then, he has served as a permanent member of the FMGM International Advisory Committee.

He has published over thirty technical papers and holds specialized courses, lectures and workshops both in Italy and abroad on topics related to geotechnical and structural instrumentation and monitoring.

He is currently a member of a the ISO-CEN TC 341/WG1/TG2 “Geotechnical investigation and testing – Geotechnical monitoring by field instrumentation”dealing with the issuing of European standards on measurements and monitoring for geotechnical applications.

In his activity he always aimed at giving monitoring a recognized role, and promoted the introduction of common rules and guidelines to facilitate the approach and the general understanding.

He has always been proud and grateful of the friendship of two key persons in his life who have been his mentors: Domenico Bruzzi who gave him many opportunities to realize his expectations and Elmo DiBiagio who has inspired his way to approach the world of measurement and monitoring.


via del pero, 23

24040 levate . bergamo

t +39 035 594 666


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